Raymund Eich

Extravehicular Activities: The Complete Science Fiction Stories 2021-2022


Leave the safety of your space capsule for ten tales of dangers and wonders.



In Extravehicular Activities: The Complete Science Fiction Stories 2021-2022, leave the safety of your space capsule for the dangers of billion-year old alien derelicts, intelligent insects with mysterious motives, espionage in an alternate 1920s Paris, and rogue reconstructed dinosaurs. Includes five short stories from Analog magazine.

These wonders and more await in the fourth volume of the Complete Science Fiction Stories of Raymund Eich.

In addition to stories like Riddlepigs and the Cryla, Minnie and the Trekker, A Fistful of Monopoles, and Return Blessing, includes a bonus speculative fact article also first published in Analog.